HP48 - Quick Reference & Cheat Sheet

The HP48 ist still in use today by a lot of professionals. The HP48 is arguably the best programmable calculator of history by Hewlett-Packard.

HP48 - Quick Reference & Cheat Sheet

A quick reference for every day use and cheat sheet.

How to use the customize button on a HP48 ?  
the customize button CST in the upper section of the HP48 keyboard is available for a fully customized menu according to your needs. If you press it at the beginning it will most likely just show an empty menu.
To add menu items do the following:

First example :
to start with a simple example, let's add just a fixed value, say a number to the CST menu
type    { 1852 } [ENTER]
type    'CST'    [ENTER]
The new menu item shows up whenever you press CST

Second example :
add two variables to the CST menu
just put them in curly brackets
type     { a b } [ENTER]
type     'CST'

Now the two variables show up in the CST menu and can quickly be selected.


Enter a matrix into the stack with :   [[5 2][9 7]]     press [ENTER]

To calculate the inverse of the matrix press    [1/X]

The result should be:      [[.41  -.11] [ -.52  .29]]


To find the determinant of the matrix:

First enter it: [[4 7 1][9 5 2][6 1 8]]    press [ENTER]

Type DET and press [ENTER]

The result should be:    -289




Further reference:

HP48 at Area48.com , https://www.educalc.net/146895.page

https://www.thimet.de/CalcCollection/Calculators/HP-48GX/Contents.htm , ein Sammler.

Eric Rechlin's Website: https://www.hpcalc.org/hp48/programming/entries/
